Cleveland Investor Primer YouTube Channel Launch!

Earlier this week I officially launched the Cleveland Investor Primer YouTube channel, with the release of my introductory video, Cleveland Investor Primer Welcome and Introduction!

Why Launch a YouTube Channel?

This new channel is an offshoot of the Cleveland Investor Primer website, and I am very excited about expanding the audience reach on the topic of Cleveland area real estate investing. As more people become interested in getting in on the Cleveland real estate action, it’s that much more important to get useful and unbiased information out in front of people in the most readily accessible formats.

While there may be some overlap between the content on this website and the content in the videos, it could be helpful for readers to check out the channel as well, as I expect there will likely be some topics that will be focused on in greater detail and depth in the videos than in the pages and posts on Plus you’ll be able to get a better sense of my personality! 😉

Moreover, there are some planned future topics, such as tours of investor-friendly neighborhoods and reviews of properties, that are inherently more conducive to video coverage than a written post.

So… What About This Blog?!

Of course, I will be continuing to publish blog posts here regularly as well, so even once you do check out the YouTube channel, I hope you’ll still remain a visitor to this site!